FYI: Did A Certain Company Just Royally Mess Up An Upcoming Release?

Hi everyone! Just wanted to stop by here real quick to dish on some rumors I’ve just heard regarding this company and a collaboration they are doing with a show that has been off the air for some years now and I wonder why they are bothering doing it now. I get there are hardcore fans out there and that it’s a book and there’s a prequel etc. etc., still seems weird to me but that’s just my opinion, doesn’t mean it’s the correct opinion lol. 

But I digress, so getting back to the topic at hand, they are doing a collab and it’s been unveiled today with the website offering up some pieces for presale…but did you know that there might have been a HUGE problem with the bracelet? 

According to my sources, the bracelet was released and it had a huge defect, the end cap of the bracelet was too big and therefore would not be able to accommodate other threaded charms or muranos. There might have been an issue with the murano as well where the murano would only fit the collab bracelet, but not other carriers. At first I had a very good and long laugh over what a huge mistake this was, but then I started thinking about it. If the bracelet was too big to fit other regular charms, and the murano only fits this bracelet, it means the hole of the murano would technically fit other carriers wouldn’t it? Because the core has to accommodate this larger bracelet so that part didn’t make sense.

In any case, these are all rumors. I saw today (thanks to PandoraGirl) that they do indeed have the murano for presale and everything else is available but not the bracelet. According to the website the bracelet is coming soon, I wonder how soon, like fall soon or winter soon?

I wanted to blog about this because I found it so hilarious, if it’s true that they messed this bracelet up so royally like what were they thinking?! Was it an intentional thing? And then they realized that customers and fans would be so upset at not being able to put current and retired charms on it and then decided to pull back on it? Or was it some kind of huge oversight? I guess we’ll never know and again, they are rumors so who knows really. I just thought it was funny enough to share. And for those people who insist the quality of this company hasn’t changed…..puhleeeeese! 🤣

Anyways everyone, I hope you had a quick laugh with me, and if you have any questions or thoughts let me know down below. Have you heard the same thing I have? Can you confirm or disavow? Let me know!




  1. Pandora Girl says:

    Hi Jahndra, I’m glad the company realized this bracelet needed to be redesigned before customers bought it and weren’t able to put any charms on it. I guess the murano is ok, or they would have taken that off the estore too.

    I do love the series Game of Thrones. I want the new dragon ring.

    • Jahndra says:

      I haven’t checked it out yet but I think your theory of the stores getting the bracelet then realizing it didn’t fit the rest of the charms is hilarious! Can you imagine the faces of the employees?? LOL.

  2. Patricia says:

    I laughed too… don’t they have a test collection before sending all to mass production??? Who is in charge of their quality control??? 🤭

    • Jahndra says:

      I guess no one is in charge?? It’s really unbelievable to the point of hilarity. I wonder if they are repairing all of the existing bracelets or just recycling them and starting over.

  3. Lila says:

    I am loving “this company” tea! Haha
    And whooo are the people saying the quality hasn’t changed?? I have a lot to say about that lol. I still do buy some of the cuter pieces but it’s really not the same. I don’t get a “sentimental” feeling, if that makes sense. Someone else said that you’re basically just paying money for expensive shiny air :p I’m okay with that sometimes.. but really miss the old vibes. Oh well! At least I can read about the messiness here, Jahndra, thanks for your great posts! Much love from a fan 💙

    • Jahndra says:

      ahahahaah!! yes, it’s totally tea!! Yea i’ll keep to myself the people who are saying the quality is the same, they are either in denial or getting paid by the company to say that. But I totally understand what you mean about the sentimental part of it, that is the reason why I’m still hanging on to this company, bc they use to make such great stuff and it’s so sad to see the route they have taken. All you have to do is compare an older charm to their newer charms to see the difference. But I’m with you, I’ll still only buy the things that really speak to me and only if the quality isn’t too too bad. Thanks for your comment! xoxo

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