My Thoughts On: Recent Actions Taken Against My Facebook And Instagram Accounts

If you follow me on Facebook, you will have already read this statement, I will however say one more thing regarding the future of this blog. As it seems I am now on a certain company’s radar, I will not be posting anything that has to do with their activity, or their products, and whenever I do (if I EVER feel like doing it again) post or talk about them again, I refuse to mention their name, as I am angry, hurt, upset and yes, in fear of any future repercussions. You win, you’ve beaten me and taken me out, I hope you are happy. Below is the information I posted on my Facebook page:


Hello everyone, this post is going to be a long one as I explain what is happening, and what I plan on doing in the future concerning this Facebook page.
It is with a heavy heart that I’ve decided to take a break from Facebook, (I will address the Instagram issue in a bit). This morning I woke up to not only find that my Instagram page is still disabled, but that now over 80% of my Facebook posts have been removed from Facebook because of copyright infringement. A certain company that starts with the letter P, not happy with just taking my most recent post down, has decided to report me to Facebook, and well, Facebook did their job. I guess posting about Rue La La sales and showcasing pictures of my very own collection constitutes copyright infringement.
This action has completely taken the wind out of my sails. I kind of knew this could happen one day, but I wasn’t really causing harm so I thought it never would happen. I am deeply discouraged and almost in tears as I write these words. My only goal was to spread the love I had for this company’s products, even though I was critical at times of their business practices or how they treated their core fan base (I.e. true blue old school fans). Time and time again I’ve heard how this company has taken down other people and posts because of “copyright infringement” and how the fans (including myself) just don’t understand this practice. We the fans want to know what is going to be coming out, we live for previews and leaked information! It makes us happy and excited to see what the upcoming releases will contain. But whatever…having said that, I guess I should take responsibility for my own actions and accept the blame that what I was doing wasn’t exactly proper either. According to the email I received, I was causing harm to this company by leaking this information, and well now I’m paying the price.
I will say one more thing before I move onto my future plans for this page and Instagram. I wholly suspect I was sabotaged, I will not mention any names, but I have my suspicions. My posts don’t reach a whole lot of people, but my last Star Wars posts was shared by at least TWO accounts. The settings were private and so I don’t know which accounts they were, because of this my post reached the most people ever (over 3k!), I thought it was pretty cool, until I got that email. Now looking back, I see that whoever shared my post didn’t do it to be nice or helpful, they did it to be evil and malicious. Or maybe all of this is in my head, I will never know who it was, will never know if their intent was a bad one, but I will keep it in the back of mind. The last time someone shared my posts, it was my someone who has always supported me and my blog, and they owned up to the share and I was grateful! So I don’t want that other person to feel bad, again if my suspicions are correct I know who did this. I just want to mention it because if you are reading this, I’m on to you, karma goes around and eventually you’ll get a taste of your own medicine. Please do not ask me or DM me asking who this person is. I only suspect and have no proof and will not disclose this information as I don’t want to create further drama.
In regards to my YouTube channel:
I will continue to post videos as I had some already edited and ready to go and others were just planned to be filmed. In my last upload you will not see this reflected but in future videos it will. I am worried now that something will happen and my channel will be affected, but I can’t live in fear and will continue to post as best as I can.
In regards to my Instagram account:
It is strange, on the day that my Instagram account was taken down, hours before I was chatting with Nichol about the Star Wars post and how I was asked to take it down, and we joked about my Instagram account being deactivated. And then it happened. I actually don’t mind it too much since I was getting tired of IG and that is why I semi-retired from it, but it happened at the worst time possible, when I was in the middle of selling my items. I FREAKED out thinking my followers will think I scammed them and took off. Many of you have reached out to me here, and I am so thankful for your trust! I also miss the people I would chat with periodically, but I have to give Jill and Emily a HUGE shoutout for helping me through this. I asked them if they could report to you through their stories what had happened to my IG account so my buyers wouldn’t worry. However I’m still afraid not everyone saw the story so I plan on making a new account solely to keep in touch with my online friends and perhaps keeps selling, which brings me to my next point:
I don’t know if I should just forget about IG all together and post the rest of my sales items here or if I should do it on my future new Ig account. I feel like the reason I was successful selling on Ig was because of all my followers, but if I start a new account all of those followers are gone anyway…so I’m a little lost, any suggestions are welcome in the comments below.
I’m still working on trying to have my original account restored, but this may take some time and it may be unsuccessful. Having said all of this, I will wait for your comments and suggestions on how to proceed for future selling. Once I open a new account, I will post here what the username will be so I can find all of my old followers and get my friends back as well.
And so now we come to the end of this post. I don’t really know how to proceed or what to do next. I feel so burned by this whole experience that it makes me just want to throw away all of my P stuff. I will not however, as I still have love for the brand, for the older business model, for the company that once upon a time cared about the quality of their products. It’s been so many years investing in their products, and yes this is pushing me to get rid of even more stuff, but I will not get rid of everything just yet. It’s funny, I’ve been feeling discouraged with this brand for awhile and with this happening now, it just feels like everything came together at the right time to finish pushing me out of being a collector. I will tell you all, I do see the light of the end of the tunnel, I see that maybe my days of collecting from this brand are numbered and there might come a day sooner than later where I will say goodbye to collecting, and goodbye to my blog and to my YouTube channel, but not quite yet. I’m sure me throwing in the towel will make a few people happy, but I also know it will make a lot more people very sad, and as always you know who you are, you’ve always stood by me, encouraged me to keep going and I will forever be grateful to you all for your continued support and encouragement. I will still have my blog and my YouTube channel, I am not going anywhere (yet), but I will need time to get over this bitter pill. If you made it to the end of this very long post, I appreciate it, thank you.


  1. Heather S. says:

    WTF! Seriously – Facebook & IG can get their sh*t together when it comes to copyright infringement but not hate groups, bullying, out right conspiracy theories, and other horsesh*t ESPECIALLY here in America. I am so angry right now 🤬😡😤 Guess what, some people have already purchased said products and I saw them on IG just tonight! I am so glad I never got involved with social media. I also ASSume this is why Mora Pandora is no longer around. You need to do what you need to do. I have always enjoyed your blog. Maybe you can tell us about all the old charms you so love? Or your interest in other charm brands – if you have any? I am only in this for Disney and then I am out. I am always late to the party it seems when companies were fun.😟 Brands and companies have disappointed me too, it hurts. You are at a fork in the road – take the road YOU want and be happy. I will continue to check back here to see what road you choose! 😊

    • Jahndra says:

      yea i suspect that is why mora pandora left too 🙁

      Thank you very much for your support, I really appreciate it, I will be around still, just more cautious and kind of just under the water. I’m not sure what I can blog about anymore, I guess maybe I can still talk about things, just never mention the brand ever again. My sources on information about promos kind of dried up anyway so this was just like the last nail in the coffin. I’ll probably post about what my options are and what direction my blog will take.

  2. Darlene says:

    Unbelievable! Jahndra . I can’t believe it! I’m here to support you. We are excited collectors. How could they do this?

  3. Pernille says:

    I’m so sorry 😔 and I’m sorry for myself! I’m loving one of my best Pandora buddies 🙁 I just dont understand what the difference between what you post and others post is.. if you fx search for starwarsxyouknowwhat on IG you get hundreds of what must be leaked images…

    • Jahndra says:

      I know! I don’t understand it either! The images are all over instagram and the internet, what they say is true, once it’s on the internet, it’s there forever!!!! They can’t actually think that they can get every single image down and take down every single account smh

      • Marika says:

        Why would someone want to do that? Taking down account of their fan? Collector of many years? This is the appreciation?

        I am so sorry. I miss Mora Pandora and I will miss your posts about the brand run by stupid mean people.

        • Jahndra says:

          I know, it doesn’t make any sense. I pretty much give them free adverstising!!! I didn’t deserve this…I miss Mora Pandora too, I wish she could’ve explained what happened, she just stopped posting! But don’t worry, I will still post about them, just not mention them by name.

  4. Shirley White says:

    So sorry this happened. I have enjoyed everything you have posted. I don’t blame you if you decide not to collect a certain brand anymore. There are plenty of others out there to purchase from. I for one really looked forward to the previews of upcoming collections and your reviews of purchases. It was so exciting to see your birthday, Christmas, anniversary, etc. gifts and hauls! I would celebrate these special events with you. I always looked at it this way. What you did and other blogs too, along with Youtube channels etc. was free advertisement of their product. Nothing promotes a product better than a happy excited customer. You gained nothing financially by promoting their product other than what others did too get for having successful YouTube channels. I hope you won’t altogether give up. Maybe you could be an ambassador for one of the other companies? I don’t know what all that would entail so I understand if you would want to do that. I know that this brand is forever tarnished for you and maybe us too but try to remember that many of your charms represent special people and moments in your life. That is true for just about all of us. Love and blessings dear one!

    • Jahndra says:

      Hi Shirley, thank you for your kind words! I really appreciate it and I came close to tears just reading your comment. It kind of is forever tarnished, I was already unhappy with the brand because of the quality issues and the designs just aren’t what they used to be, and now this happens. I know what you mean, it was LITERALLY FREE PROMOTION, but whatever. I plan to continue to stick around, not sure what I will be blogging about anymore since I don’t want to even mention their name. And the days of my large hauls are over, I can no longer afford to buy as ever since the pandemic, things have changed like they have changed for millions of people. I’ll have to figure it out. My blog posts were already kind of spotty, I feel like this finished killing off my blog but we’ll see. I need to think and figure things out. Same thing for my youtube, I have a couple of ideas for additional content for my channel but after i post them, i will have officially run out of ideas. My channel will be strictly posting collection videos and that is it.

      THank you again for your comment, I will still be here for the time being until I can figure something else out. About being an ambassador for another company, I kind of tried that in the past, but it didn’t work out as the brand wasn’t too popular to begin with, then they changed their whole look and I stopped liking them so we parted ways. I couldn’t promote a jewelry line that I no longer liked. I feel nowadays in order to be an ambassador you either have to be young and beautiful, or have millions of follower, I am neither LOL so not sure that will work out for me. Thank you again! xoxo

  5. Ciara says:

    Hi Jahndra,
    I’ve been a loyal (but silent) follower of your blog since the beginning, always checking your site for new updates and reviews. I am really, really disappointed to hear about what has been happening. I remember the “old days” of Pandora collecting, how exciting it was to see the new collection, the great promos, and your detailed reviews… I have read in the news that Pandora sales in general have tanked badly – why don’t they come back to their original base and see if that helps a little?? I just don’t understand what they think they are accomplishing. They already messed up by pulling all the franchised stores as well and now the online community? Pandora is not Tiffany! We want to be a community together!
    Anyway- I just wanted to say that it is totally understandable how you feel because I feel the same and it sucks so much they are targeting the best members of this community. There are people out there (like me!) who truly appreciate what you’ve done for fans. Hope you don’t get too sad or down about what’s happened- we love you and miss your writings!
    Stay healthy, sane, happy 🙂

    • Jahndra says:

      Thank you Ciara, thank you for your support!! I miss those days too! I’m not surprised about their sales tanking, they don’t seem to know what they are doing. THey keep changing ceo’s, they turned their back on shop in shops which is what made them popular, they relied too much on customer loyalty, etc, etc the list goes on.

      They wanted to be on the same playing field as Tiffany, but I’m sorry, they are not, not by a long shot and I’ll tell you when they stopped being competition for tiffany, the day they decided to stop using real gold and real gemstones. That is the day the brand died in my opinion…but whatever, i really don’t care anymore. Gone are the days of my large hauls, I just wanted to get rid of my older wish list and be done with them. They’ve lost a really good customer in me. Usually I would love entire collections, now it’s a wonder I like one or two items and that is it. Anyway I’m rambling, thank you so much for your kind comment, I will try to stick around and do my best!

      • Ciara says:

        I adored those birthday bloom collection pieces back in the day. They were so beautiful! And pretty much all the new charms are lightweight and rarely threaded… but somehow way more expensive with all the CZs. What I know from my friends who recently got into Pandora- they usually create one full bracelet (2 clips, 3-4 charms) and then that’s it. They don’t keep going back for more, not from travel or to collect moments. Pandora is alienating the base that would come back to create full bracelets, or multiple bracelets, and only trying to capture the one-bracelet-gift customer. My question is why?? In what world does this make financial sense?
        Okay rant over haha. Thanks for being here with us, Jahndra. I know I really appreciate it!

        • Jahndra says:

          100% agree with you! THe older items are much much heavier, and the newer items are lightweight and covered in fake stones. I bought a ring from a fellow collector, it was an old school band, and when I received it, I was surprised to feel how heavy it was, an this as a band ring! Shoud’ve been lighter, but instead it was heft, now things are such cheap quality!

  6. Olga says:

    Hi Jahndra!
    I don’t like facebook and it’s work poorly in my country, so I prefer (local version of FB 🙂 and you can sign up via facebook if you want to join), but i like your IG and love to see yours non branded jewelry, like your stuning labradorate ring.
    I’m upset with P. these days: the 20 collection not sells in my country and all new collections come without some intresting for me items, not sell something in 144 million people country and sell in very small countries looks like joke to me. Not speaking about promotions we don’t have, sales with 10-20% off and higher prices then all rest of world. I’m start to look at other brands, some local companies produce cute and detailed charms with much better price, I’ll rather buy them, with higher quality and better price. And P. can do that they do now and lost all loyal custumers, i don’t care about it anymore.

    • Jahndra says:

      Yes I’m starting not to care either, this really burned me and turned me off to the brand completely. I love all jewelry and I focused a lot on P, but maybe it’s time I focus on other brands, and just more jewelry in general. I might still post about P on Youtube because it’s very popular there but I’ll also focus on my other jewelry! Thank you for your comment and your support!

      • Olga says:

        Hello again! Some of my friends accounts in instagram was blocked too, one thing helped to solve this problem – very bad review on app in google play/apple play. only then IG contact them and start to do their job. but not all accounts are back, we can’t figure out how IG decides who deserve or not to restore they accounts. I hope you will be back on IG!

        • Jahndra says:

          Interesting!! SO leaving a bad review on the apply store worked? I might try that then, thank you! Although I understand there are not guarantees.I’m back on another ig account under _my_xpressions_

  7. Joe says:

    I have been watching your videos and reading your Blog since I started purchasing from the company back in 2014. I really enjoy your videos and reading your blog. I’m not into Facebook, but I do check out IG from time to time, but definitely not frequently. I am VERY sad that you have been treated so poorly. I feel they should be thanking you for promoting their brand. There absolutely nothing wrong with what you’ve stated about their jewelry. It’s true! The older charms I too feel were superior in quality and more reasonable in price. In addition, they had a bigger and better selection of merchandise. Also, some items were so well-made that they were statement pieces. They were on their way to or matching up to quality jewelers. Now they’re duplicating other companies designs with minor variations and re-making their own designs such as the “C” bracelet. The first version was beautiful and stylish. The new one is just plain in my opinion. Clip-on’s make the bracelet stand out and different from similar brands that are either no longer in business or are no longer selling charms/bracelets. The company appears to be moving away from their origins. Why? Instead of trying to hurt their collectors, fans and followers they should be listening to our comments, improving the brand whether it means re-thinking the brand as it stands today and getting back to their beginnings. Customers build and support the company. Listen to them! The customers comments on the products let you know when you need to perform better and improve the quality of the products, which leads to an increase in sales performance so that the company and its employees continue to grow and prosper. Somewhere they most have forgotten about their loyal and dedicated customers. All comments whether good, bad or in-between are a gift that they should appreciate! Jahndra, hang-in there! You’ve got my support. I’ll watch your videos regardless if they about their jewelry or not. Thank you for sharing. Stay healthy, well and safe.

    • Jahndra says:

      Aw thank you soooooooooooo much from the bottom of my heart! I 100% agree with everything that you said! Yes unfortunately they are moving away from their core fan base and moving onto a newer and younger one. And this younger demographic doesn’t have a lot of money so that is why I think they are using the plated jewelry and the cubic zirconias. I will miss their better quality products and I’m happy that I have quite a few of their older stuff. That being said, I will still post my regular content on YouTube (for now) as things have changed since this pandemic hit, and I can no longer afford the large hauls from before. Cycles close and open, and it might be that my cycle with P is coming to a close really soon. SInce I will no longer be able to afford my more grandiose hauls, it will have to be limited to my once in a month collection video and that is it. It sucks but that is the way things are for now. Thank you very much for standing by me, I appreciate it so much!! xoxo

  8. Rossella says:

    Ciao Jahndra
    ti seguo da tanti anni sul blog e You Tube ma non commento perché scrivo in italiano.
    Oggi ti voglio dire che mi dispiace molto per quello che ti è successo e spero che tu possa riavere il tuo Facebook e il tuo IG. Spero anche che tu continui con il blog e con YouTube ma capisco che tu sia amareggiata.
    A me P. continua a piacere anche se sto andando alla ricerca dei fuori produzione e spero che riprenda la produzione dei bitono. Ero entusiasta della collezione per i 20 anni ma sono rimasta molto delusa dal loro comportamento: link che non funzionano, i charm che sembravano esauriti quasi prima di essere stati messi in vendita. Per questo ho smesso di comprarli e glielo ho anche scritto. Non si possono trattare così le appassionate!
    Ti ho voluto esprimere la mia solidarietà anche in italiano perché anche in Italia c’è qualcuno che ti segue.

    • Jahndra says:

      Grazie mille per le tue gentili parole, hanno significato molto per me, ho usato google translate per poter capire! Spero che questo si traduca correttamente dall’inglese all’italiano, sarò ancora in giro su facebook e youtube, ma hai ragione sono amareggiato … per ora. Sono sicuro che alla fine lo supererò, ma per ora è meglio e più sicuro per me restare per me e non pubblicare troppo spesso. Riporterò presto spero su instagram. Grazie ancora!

  9. Cath says:

    Hi Jahndra,

    Wow, I’m almost speechless after reading your blog. A certain company has made an incredibly bad mistake in my opinion. By acting the way they did.

    Your blog will be seen by many people. But don’t underestimate how much people they’ll reach, they are going to retell this story into their circle of people. I know I’ll do that. Feeling this upset right now. And the people I tell this story to, they’ll reach out to their circles of people. And hold on, like a virus this story will spread out. We’ve already got a Pandemic going on. Are they going for their own Pandemic?

    They didn’t just upset you, by being this aggressive. The entire community got to feel this with you. Do you remember the story about two young people very much in love. They couldn’t afford to spend a lot on an engagement ring. And they walked into a certain store, happy to buy a nice ring. Their happiness faded away in just a small moment. Instead of being treated with respect, they got laughed at. For buying an engagement ring in their store. And not from a high quality jewelry store 😉
    They walked out, feeling very upset. And even though this happened some while ago, an entire continent away from me. This story did upset me. And lot’s of people still remember this story today.

    What they lack, is creativity. You’ve got loads of that. Maybe you can do some arts and crafts on your channel. I love oil painting myself. Lots of people probably would love to see your artwork.
    If that’s possible with your cute 🐾 walking around, adorably investigating what you’re doing. You’re very good in telling story’s, as seen on your youtube channel. So I hope they didn’t take away all the fun you had. Maybe you could post something from the original bead company, you know the one that invented this modern charm bracelet style 😊

    • Jahndra says:

      I do remember that story! All they could afford was an engagement ring from their store and one of the sales associates criticized it by accident…SMH. I’ve come to realize that the quality just isn’t there anymore. I rather spend my money on more timeless items from Tiffany that I can actually wear everyday, versus this company anymore. I was already feeling like my time collecting from them was coming to an end anyway, this was just part of the last push. Ill continue talking about this company because I still enjoy making my collection videos, but as far as my large hauls are concerned, they may be a thing of the past.

      Thank you so much for your kind words, and your support! XOXO

  10. Mona says:

    Hi Jahndra,

    I’m sorry that his has happened to you. I have been watching your videos on Youtube for a while now. You have a wonderful collection of mostly classic Pandora pieces. And like you, I also miss the ‘vintage’ Pandora style and quality.

    I have been visiting this blog once in a while and to be honest I can somehow understand that Pandora does not want any information about new releases to leak. But it is a pity that they take such stark measures and block entire social media accounts. After all it is fans and collectors like us who have made them what they are today.

    I hope that you will continue to share your collection through your Youtube channel.

    • Jahndra says:

      THank you for your comment, and they did reach out for me to take down my star wars blog post which I respectfully did. Apparently there was a miscommunication and they only intended for IG to take down my stories, not my whole account, so now I’m waiting for it to come back which apparently is taking a lot longer than I thought.

      I will continue to share my collection on YouTube, for as long as I can, thank you for your support!

  11. Mad4Charms says:

    Wow, I’m so sorry to hear this. P has been cracking down on those sharing info on upcoming collections for a while now. I dont think its right though. why cant we share it if its out there? maybe they should stop their pictures and info from getting leaked! Oh well, i used to care a lot about what collections are coming out, and buy a lot of it, but not anymore. We all know that the quality of their business has been going down the drain over the past few years! I will always love the old products and continue to be an old school fan like you. As for their future releases, i don’t care to pay retail prices for any of it because the quality is not as it once was. So, knowing whats fixing to be released just isn’t that important to me anymore. But, I do hope you will keep sharing videos about your collection. They are stupid and think leaks hurt their business, but that just isnt the case. If anything, its their lessening quality, fast cheap production, and catering only to the young and alienating their old long term collectors that has affected their profits! But, Don’t be discouraged from enjoying all of your wonderful collection. Remember They were once a great company and your charms are innocent! You can still enjoy the old school stuff.
    💙God Bless!

    • Jahndra says:

      yes completely agree with you, both the quality of their product and their business strategies have suffered. I think it’s going on a month since my account has been disabled and still nothing. I think it’s probably safe to say that my account is gone forever. My love for the company isn’t what it was once, and you are right, I love my collection, especially the older stuff. I am currently purging on items that I either no longer wear, or have never worn. My goal now is on Tiffany, wonderful quality although way overpriced. I think I’ll start collecting Tiffany, pre loved and slowly forget about P. I will keep what is meaningful to me, like I said, I still love the brand, they were once a great company, not so much now.

  12. Christine says:

    It really saddens me that this has happened to you 😭 I hadn’t checked in lately so haven’t seen any posts by you since the ones where we were discussing the 2020 iconic collection, but I’ve heard of P doing this to quite a few people recently.
    I don’t understand how they could think it’s good business practice to treat long time customers so poorly as to having entire accounts shut down – we’re the best advertising they have…..and we’re free!!

    • Jahndra says:

      SO sorry for the late reply, it’s been a crazy month so far! Thank you so much for your support, I really appreciate it! I wholeheartedly agree ith you, P did apologize because apparently they only meant for the post to be taken down, not the entire account, but it’s been a month now with no signs of my account coming back so it is what it is unfortunatley. I will no longer post their brand on my posts in fear that they might overreact again, and it’s their loss because, as you said it was free advertising.

  13. Erin Bronovech says:

    Hi there
    Awful to hear what has happened to you. It’s always concerning to hear of large corporations taking an unnecessarily hard line with fans who have in fact promoted the brand unpaid! While Pandora’s lawyers may be able to locate some minor copyright breach, they also fail to consider the extensive free advertising that private bloggers and Instagrammers provide the Pandora brand for years on end. The Pandora corporation fails to sensibly weigh up the two factors. The corporation also disregards the fact that countless leaks of products originate from THEIR OWN STAFF and when a leak occurs, Pandora instead punishes online fan bloggers. Jahndra, fan blogs and Instagram pages like yours are responsible for untold profits for Pandora.

    I do think it is sinister that an extremely popular privately-run fan blog and Instagram page called “Mora Pandora” was discontinued abruptly in late 2018 with no explanation, I suspect that the blogger was threatened with legal action by Pandora for some minor “infringement”, despite the fact that the blogger had voluntarily promoted the brand unpaid for several years. And now, the same has happened to you Jahndra.

    Pandora spies- if you are reading this – good luck as you continue to threaten Pandora fans with minor infringements because eventually, the tide will turn when fans realise that it looks very unpalatable when corporations take on volunteer individuals, especially when those individuals endlessly promote your brand as unpaid volunteers. Disgusting on Pandora’s part.

    Jahndra – you have a choice here, you can either give up on your promotion of Pandora completely (and Pandora will have succeeded in destroying the only remaining genuine internet fan page), or you can soldier on (making sure to of course never again share any leaked images leaked by Pandora staff, but continuing to provide the honest and unbiased fan reviews of Pandora products, the reviews we know and love). I am so sorry that Pandora failed to acknowledge the free brand promotion you have provided for them for so long. Thank you for your hard work over the years. Chin up.

    • Jahndra says:

      Oh wow thank you soooooooooooooo sooo much from the bottom of my heart for your kind word and support. You’re like the only one who really gets it!!! I do think of myself as a fan page while at the same time giving what I consider a fair and objective opinion about their products. If I criticize them it’s only because I know their quality used to be great, now it’s subpar. And yes I gave them free promotion for years and years, but no more. I’m still here and I’m still a fan girl but unfortunately the passion has been taken away from me. It’s not the same. And I think it was way unfair on how I was treated especially when the leaked images were literally all over the internet already. But it is what it is unfortunately. My Instagram account was never restored to me and I ended up starting all over again. I have all of 200 plus followers compared to my previous 1800 which isn’t a lot in the grand scheme of things but I was proud of it.

      Thank you again for your support, it really means a lot to me. 😘🥰💔

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