Guest Post: My Xpressions Welcomes Long Time Collector Jiji

Hi my name is Jiji and I am a long time bead collector, approx 20+ years. I met the wonderful Jahndra through our shared charm bead passion. Currently I collect, Pandora, Trollbeads and Ohm Beads. I have collected other brands in the past but no longer. It is too much to keep up with so many brands not to mention pricey so I have widdled them down to my favorite three brands above.

How I got started…Anyone remember Nominations? While these are not technically beads they are what started my journey to the wonderful and at times overwhelming world of charm beads. To be fair I guess I really started when my mom gave me her old school classic dangly charm bracelet. I loved it! All the tiny miniature works of art that appeared so realistic and took my imagination to many places. However I soon learned that it annoyed the crap out of me when I wore it, it got caught on EVERYTHING! 
The idea of collecting different little pieces of wearable art really spoke to me. So I then tried to venture into the world of Victorian style slide bracelets. Until I discovered how expensive that journey would be. At the time I was a young girl so asking my parents for gold, diamonds and gemstones was laughable to say the least. I dreamed of owning one of these bracelets and I got a fake one at one point but then I quickly learned I am a fancy bitch and don’t care for fake/costume jewelry. I have expensive taste unfortunately. 
Fast forward years later…Nominations came out and I thought that was the answer to everything. But no, the stretchy watch band-like bracelet catches your arm hairs like no tomorrow and it hurt wearing it so there went that collection. 

Then, it happened! I came a crossed the smallest little kiosk in a Long Island mall while visiting my grandma. It was literally the smallest kiosk I have ever seen lol. But something caught my eye. As soon as I saw these little silver beads, little works of art strung on a silver snake chain bracelet, it was like the heavens opened up, I saw a bright light and I heard the angels singing! What was this amazing little kiosk you ask? It was Pandora!!! The first Pandora in the US as a matter of fact (at least that’s what I was told at the time) Finally my charm bracelet dreams have come true. A line that was part charm bracelet and part sliding bracelet OMG genius! No little annoying dangles to get caught on everything (at that time there were no dangle charms) I begged my mom to buy me the silver strawberry and sun&moon charms which she graciously did. I admired them daily, sadly without a bracelet to put them on. I could not stop thinking about them and began to search for them in my area but there was nothing to be found. NOTHING! It was so new in the US no one had heard of them. I started searching online and found nothing for months. I could only find them second hand for years online. Finally a few local stores started to carry Pandora which made my life so much easier. Now my collection is a bit insane but I really try to keep it reigned in…really I do!
While searching for Pandora years ago online, another charm bead brand kept popping up, something called Trollbeads. The name instantly drew me in. I have always been a fan of fantasy/myth/lore. I thought Pandora was the answer but being a classic Gemini I fell in love with both brands for different reasons. Pandora was pretty, cutesy and similarly shaped where Troll was organic, strange, dark and mystical. My Trollbeads journey stemmed from my Pandora journey. 

Stay tuned for the next part of Jiji’s article regarding an intro to Trollbeads 101 and bead classifications.



  1. Deborah Craig says:

    What a lovely story! My Pandora journey began in similar fashion. I had a traditional charm bracelet growing up. I would get a charm, then have to take it to the jewelry store to have it put on the bracelet. Fast forward about 30 years, and I was in a local boutique looking for an anniversary present. There was a little counter with Pandora jewelry. My husband bought me my first bracelet (oxidized) and a half dozen charms (wood beads, Virgo cameo, music note, block initials). It was the start of a 25+ year journey to a rather substantial collection. And enduring friendships with many Pandora collectors and sales staff at my favorite Pandora store. I often wonder if my husband regrets that initial impulse purchase!

    Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. I look forward to your Trollbeads tutorial.

    • Jiji says:

      Hi Deborah! Thank you for sharing your story. I love hearing how everyone gets started on these Lillie bobbles lol. I remember all of your first beads, oldies but goodies. Those cameos and block letters are classic Pandora, never got a change at them unfortunately. At the time, the idea of retiring items was completely lost on me. If I only had a time machine 😉
      I have made a lot of friends through this little hobby as well, some of the best people are definitely bead people 😉

    • Jiji says:

      Thank you Heather! Yes I agree. I am like a crow, anything shiny, thats where my attention goes lol. Instead of Ooo Squirrel its OOOO SHINY!

  2. Shirley says:

    Great blog. I too had a charm bracelet growing up. I still have it as it is like a scrapbook from my child hood. The thing I like the most about Pandora is that you can change your design anytime you want too! Looking forward to part 2 of your blog.

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