How To: Design a Belle Bracelet

Ok here it is! Thank you for being so patient with me, I asked you all which Disney Princess you wanted me to design a bracelet for and it was between Aurora and Belle and Belle won!! The last bracelet I designed for was Cinderella, and at the risk of dating myself once again growing up Cinderella and Aurora were my favorite princesses, I think with Aurora beating Cinderella by a hair! I was already starting to grow up when the new slew of Disney princesses started to arrive on the scene so I never really fell in love with any of them. Belle was my favorite for a little bit because they made her a smart girl who wasn’t satisfied with the life everyone else wanted her to have plus she loved to read books (like me!). Unfortunately I fell out of love with her when I watched the film again recently as an adult and thought the film was a bit cheesy (don’t kill me for saying that!! It’s just my opinion!!).

Trully I think my favorite Disney character is Mulan. She is not a princess, but she protected her family and was able to hold her own along with the men. I may be planning on making a Mulan bracelet in the future, but that will be once I’m done with the princesses first, (or if just feel like it!)

I like to work from the center out, so here is what I have as the center focal part of the bracelet:


Note the use of the Shimmering Rose clips, these are perfect to fit the rose theme of this bracelet! Next we have the bracelet getting a little bigger at the ends.

Next we have several charms, some that I plan on adding to my bracelet, others that I think would perfectly but I’m deciding not to use, and of course alternatives in case anyone doesn’t like the ones I chose. I added the paw print charms to symbolize the Beast as there is no Beast charm as of yet so I’m using what’s available to me. The closes thing is the Regal Lion and even that one is a stretch. We also of course have multiple tea pots, the Disney designed Mrs. Potts, the old school two tone Teapot and the new Enchanted Teapot as well the new dangling Teacup and the older version:

Here I put some more obscure charms that one might not really want to use but if you’re a real stickler than you can if you want to. The French flag obviously because it takes place in France and because it’s a French fairy tale, the sheep charm for the beginning of the movie where Belle is sitting at the fountain and a sheep takes a bite out of one of the pages of her book, and the snowman to represent LaFou waiting for Belle to come home with her father:


And here is my completed design:

I chose to use the Shimmering Rose dangle to place more focus on the enchanted rose from the movie, the old school Tea Cup to represent Chip, the First Dance charm of course to symbolize the very poignant part of the film where Belle and the Beast dance, the I Love To Read charm to of course represent Belle’s love of books, the Paw Prints charm to represent the Beast himself, the Clock for Cogsworth, and the clips I already discussed. I then chose Belle’s Dress of course as well as Belle’s Signature Color Muranos,  and I chose Belle’s Radiant Rose instead of it’s enamel counterpart because I wanted a nice focal bead to pop against the golden yellow of the muranos, plus it’s just prettier than the enamel one I think in my opinion. I then chose the Mirror dangle charm for obvious reasons, the Enchanted Teapot because I liked it better than the Disney Mrs. Potts, the Regal Lion once again to represent the Beast, and the new Regal Castle dangle which I chose because if you watch the movie the Prince’s castle seems narrow and tall, much like this charm, plus it’s a generic castle unlike Cinderella’s and Sleeping Beauty’s castle so one can use it for whatever bracelet one likes! Next comes the Piano charm as there is a piano playing during Belle’s and the Beast first dance, and I decided to include the snowman which to me looks a lot like the one LaFou turned into while waiting for Belle to arrive home LOL. And of course last but not least we finish off the bracelet with the Chinese Horse, in representation of Felipe, Belle’s loyal horse that takes her back to the Beast in his time of need. If you look closely at his little face he even looks a little like Felipe I think.

So what do we think? I forgot to include the First Dance charm for Cinderella’s bracelet (which I have now added) but could not possible forget it again for this bracelet! Is there any charm you think I missed? What other charms would you have added? Let me know down in the comments below and I will be more than happy to add them to the gallery!




  1. Nichol says:

    How fun is this!!! We have quite a few charms that are similar! I too debated which books and choose the dangle one. I’m in a mission for a cow charm represent the small town living. Debating on unicorn for Felipe.

    I never would have thought of Piano or snowman! Very creative!

    My goal is to stay away from any actual beauty and the beast charms. I love where they are now so I want to keep them there and not buy duplicates. I’m excited to play and reading this made me more excited 🤗. What a fun post!

    • Jahndra says:

      I’m glad! Yes I didn’t want to use all of the Disney charms either, and then I thought Pandora has made so many other charms in the past that would’ve been perfect for this bracelet like the mirror dangle and the clock! You should see my Cinderella bracelet, now that one I had a lot of fun designing! Hopefully I’ll get to Sleeping Beauty soon!

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