Latest Acquisition: Pandora Free Bracelet Promotion August 2018

Today’s post will actually be a blog post and not a video post!!! I know I’ve strayed away from actual blogging, but I figured this was the perfect chance to get back to blogging since I didn’t go too crazy on Pandora’s last promo.

If you are new here, you might not be aware that I like to organize my posts via categories, lately it’s been a ton of Latest Hauls or From The Box. It used to me more Reviews and FYI’s, but a category I haven’t posted to in awhile is the Latest Acquisition category. That category was reserved for when I didn’t get more than two or three items at a time. The difference between a Latest Haul and a Latest Acquisition is that for the Haul posts if I bought more than three or four pieces then I felt it merited a YouTube video, if I only bought one or two items then it was a recent acquisition and it didn’t need a YouTube video but only merited a post here on the blog. I did this because I didn’t want to over saturate my audience and have them get bored or tired of the same thing.

Getting back to the jewelry, I did splurge a little for the last free bracelet promo. I actually wasn’t going to participate in it, but I changed my mind when I realized it could be almost any bracelet, not necessarily a charm bracelet. I think I’m getting to the point where I am almost done collecting all of the charms I want, and lately Pandora hasn’t created anything that I absolutely must have. I do have to say their necklaces, rings and especially earrings are looking particularly gorgeous lately though!

So let’s take a look at what I got:

I finally got the 2018 Club Charm!!! This particular item was not high on my wish list but I needed it to complete my collection (until 2019 that is!) and decided to pick it up. I do have to say at first I didn’t like it much, not sure why. Maybe it was because it wasn’t heart shaped. The 2014 wasn’t exactly heart shaped either, but everything since then has been heart shaped. Oh well, like I said, my collection is now complete!

And now we come to the next item on my wish list that I’ve had my eye on for awhile!

Allow me to vent and rant a little now that I’m actually writing a blog post…a few days ago I posted on my Instagram Stories that Pandora has stopped updating their app in which you could keep an inventory of your existing jewelry and maintain your wish list. I was extremely upset as I had lost more than 100 items on my wish list! Not only that but it was nice to see all of my Pandora collection in one spot. I don’t know what possessed them to do this, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt thinking that perhaps they had migrated the information to the online wish list on their website like most other companies offer. Imagine my “surprise” when I saw absolutely nothing on my wish list!

I bring this up because ever since the Mother’s Day collection came out, (which is when the Brilliant Bows came out), it was never officially added to the app. This wasn’t a huge surprise to me as I knew the app was really buggy but  I figured eventually they would catch up. It was very frustrating to me not being able to add these items to my wish list when they first came out. And now this notice of the app no longer being updated, it was the last straw. Instead of adding everything back onto the online wish list (which I fear is also buggy and therefore a waste of time), I instead decided to make a wish list on Pinterest.

Ok rant officially over, let me know if you want a review of the Brilliant Bow charm, I would be happy to oblige!

And now we come to the best part of my acquisition, the Brilliant Bow bangle:

I wanted this because the construction of the bangle intrigued me, half bangle, half chain or link bracelet. I’ve yet to play around with this pretty bauble, but once I do I’ll be sure to post it to Instagram. Let me know as well if anyone would like a review on this piece too!

The next item, the Alluring Brilliant bangle I did not get as part of the sale, I got it in between the June sale and this promo, I just showcase it here because I completely forgot to talk about it before:

And there you have it, it’s not as big of a haul as I usually get, but I see myself starting to slow down a bit as like I said before, I’m starting to lose some interest in their charms and I’m starting to shift my focus on their necklaces, earrings and rings. It’s a little bittersweet, but at least I still have my older style charms that I can cherish and treasure.





  1. Deborah Giles Craig says:

    I hope this goes through, because I want to rant about the app too! I had my extensive collection inventory in there, and now it’s gone. It will take days to set up an Excel spreadsheet to replace it. I can’t believe they abandoned it in this day and age.

    On a happier note, I love your latest acquisitions. I too have been on a bit of a bow kick of late. I used to say ABSOLUTELY no crowns or bows. But I’ve since broken both rules. The only remaining barrier is the open locket. In my mind, the contents of a locket are supposed to be secret. So I haven’t broken that one yet, and I think I’m sticking to it.

    Thanks for sharing.

    • Yay!!! The comments are working again!! I still might switch back to WordPress comments because apparently disqus isn’t well liked and they stopped notifying me whenever I got new comments.

      I know! I really can’t believe they just cut us off like that!! I mean If they had at least migrated the wish list over to my online account I wouldn’t be so upset! But nope, nothing! I can hardly believe it!

      As for you breaking your rule lol!! I’ve always liked crowns…and keys! I’ve liked bows but not enough to go crazy on them…until now LOL!! And I like
      The floating locket well enough but for some reason I can’t get I to them. Maybe eventually I’ll come around!

  2. Nichol says:

    Pretty choices! I 100% feel ya on the app! I LOVED the app. Your genius for thinking about a Pinterest wishlist!! I just might have to follow suit!

  3. Jackie Oz R says:

    Hi, yes please do a review on these pieces. Really interested to see how you use the bow charm.
    In Australia there has always been a link with the app & the online VIP account. But similarly the app hasn’t updated for ages, & now is not supported. While the wish list portion is still accessible through the website/estore, I have lost “my jewellery” list, which literally had hundreds of items on there. All the retired items, all my watch bands & dials etc. Really miss that.

    • Jahndra says:

      I did too!! I just don’t understand why Pandora thought this was a good idea!
      Also what is a VIP account, is that your version of being part of the Pandora CLub?

  4. Sarah says:

    I miss the app wish list thingy too! It was great for the retired pieces I still want someday. A while ago I made an spreadsheet using google sheets to keep track of what I have and how much I paid.

    I’m interested in a review of the brilliant bow charm. I’m curious to see how it wears and how one styles it.

    • Jahndra says:

      No worries! I had a poll on my Instagram asking which I should review first and the winner was the bangle, but I will review the charm as well!

      Yes I really don’t understand why they would do that, all other brands I follow offer an online wish list and virtual jewelry box. I mean if they were going to get rid of the app, then migrate the wish list onto the online wish list, don’t just do away with it.

  5. Melanie says:

    I lost my entire wish list off the website a few months back. I haven’t bought anything since. I needed to have the list so I could plan out my bracelets, but *poof* it just disappeared. It was so frustrating that I commented on their facebook page and got a response then after a while I heard NOTHING. They just don’t care. Why would you redo your website but not save the info?

    Sorry. It was just so frustrating. I had a lot of items saved on my list. Too many to recall now in order to recreate it. Rant over.

    • Jahndra says:

      OH I completely understand you!!! You can rant here all you want LOL Try to recreate what you can remember on Pinterest that’s what I did. I’m so obsessed/addicted though that I went through each item in each category on their website to then search for that item on Pinterest. I understand if that’s a bit much for you though LOL.

      • Melanie says:

        Thanks for understanding! I may end up recreating my list in the future. I had a number of long retired pieces on there too that I would love to track down.

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