What I’m Wearing: My Pac-Man Bracelet

On today’s post I will be showcasing one of my favorite bracelets, and that is my Pac-Man bracelet! I don’t remember what possessed me to start it, I think it was that I thought the Trollbeads Ghost Fighter and Ms. Ghost Fighter were super cute and that X Jewellery also came out with the Gamer link which inspired me to make a Pac-Man bracelet.

First off I wanted to put the charms on a Trollbeads leather bracelet, unfortunately I ordered the wrong size and had to use two locks to accommodate my larger wrist. Now I figured it would be hard to make the bracelet, as when I started planning what charms to add to the leather bracelet, I had to do some research on the characters and symbols used in the Pac-Man game. At that point I realized I would not be able to make this strictly a Trollbeads bracelet, and would have to use some Pandora charms in order to finish this bracelet which irked me to no end. I’m sure I have not mentioned this before but I don’t like mixing brands. I tend to be a purist, and like my Trollbeads to go on my Trollbeads bracelet and the same with Pandora, although we all know that Troll won’t fit on Pandora anyway.

So after much thought I figured what the heck, and started adding Pandora to my leather Troll bracelet, here is the end result:



Here are more shots of the bracelet, I tried to take them in sequential order from the inside of my wrist to the end:






So I’m obviously not done with the bracelet yet, I have many more charms I need to add in order for this bracelet to be finished, unfortunately it might take years as I refuse to add color to it, and want to keep it all silver, it will be a challenge for sure.




In case any of you are die hard fans of the original arcade games, here is a list of the fruits that were part of the game:


I include this list obtained from the Pac-Man Museum because most people believe the green thing below the apple is a melon or a bunch of grapes, it’s actually a pineapple, ergo the pineapple charm on the bracelet. You might be surprised to see the pretzel charm, well that was from the Ms Pac-Man game, she shared the other fruits such as the strawberry and apple like Pac-Man but her game also included the pear, and the banana.

You might be asking yourself, why have I not included the retired cherry clip from Pandora or the new pave pear also from Pandora onto this bracelet? Because I hesitate to put any color on it, I like that it’s all silver, and if I start adding color to it I think it might start looking a little wacky.

Here is a full view of all of the charms:

Bead Index: Pandora Pretzel, Trollbeads Apple of Wisdom, TB Ms. Ghost Fighter, Pandora Pearl Bell, Pandora Strawberry, Pandora Pineapple, X Jewellery Gamer link, Pandora Symbol of Trust (key charm), Pandora Ghost, TB Ghost Fighter.

So in order to finish this bracelet I would still need cherries, an orange charm, a spaceship, a pear and a banana, maybe even three more ghosts.  I could go outside of Trollbeads and Pandora, and maybe add Ohm, since I’m pretty sure they have a spaceship charm, what do you guys think? I don’t own any Ohm charms, and I’m very hesitant to start on another brand, this addiction is very big already!

I hope I’m not dating myself here (LOL) but I tend to wear this bracelet when I’m feeling nostalgic and yearning for the good old days when I was a child, and “everything was right with the world.” Plus the fact that the new movie “Pixels” just came out, made me want to pull out this bracelet and wear it while I was watching the movie. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend it, the plot is pretty flimsy but it’s very entertaining!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post, it was especially fun for me to write about it since I think I’m a big geek at heart. Now if you excuse me, I have to go checkout Ohm’s website to see if there are any charms I can add to this bracelet so I can finally finish it 😉



All images with my watermark belong to me, all other images belong to their respective owners such as Pac-Man Museum and Brother Brain.





  1. Mars says:

    I love this!

    I made a pac man bracelet for the 2014 A to Z Blogging Challenge but I think I prefer yours, great use on all the fruits!

    Mars xx

    • LOL I love yours too! I like how we both used the same lock! I guess great minds think alike! I’ve been wanting to get most of the prisms, I don’t know how I would make them match but I like the lavender and the denim prism.

      • Mars says:

        I love the prisms but probably don’t use them as much as I should, I haven’t quite got all of them, but I did back fill my collection during the clearance sales! They’re handy to have for ends of bracelets and great for bangles!

        Mars xx

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