FYI: My Xpressions Blog Soon To Be Retired?

Hello everyone! I know it’s been a long time since I’ve bothered posting here, but here I am once again. I know that based on the title of this post might be click baity, but I think I am ready to finally let go of my blog. I kept teasing these last few years that I might keep it but just change my content, but unfortunately a lot has happened to my husband and I, and well our lifestyle has changed completely.

If you don’t follow me on Instagram, then you might not have heard the news, my husband and I have adopted a seven year old little boy, this process took over four years to complete which is why I never told anyone other than immediate family, and a couple of Instagram friends that I am close to. This has turned our life upside down (in good ways of course!) but I find myself being extremely busy adjusting to our new normal. Couple this with my fading interest in a certain jewelry brand, and the loss of my sources for information, I find it very hard to keep up this blog. I felt that I could make it into a sort of journal while I figure out what content to switch to; but this blog is expensive to keep up, it’s an expense that I can’t handle anymore because I am no longer working, and well this adoption process wasn’t cheap either. Plus any expense I choose to spend money on, well I rather it be on clothes or jewelry LOL.

At first I figured I would just close down the blog and let it be that, but then I thought about it a little more and decided maybe I can just move it to a free platform. Unfortunately I don’t know how to do that or where to go and I don’t think I have the time to research it, also I now have to inform my web host that I am planning to do this and again, I have no idea how to do that.

I had wanted to share our adoption journey and maybe switch content, not sure what I want to blog about anymore, but I am pretty sure that my renewal is coming up in November, and if that is the case, I need to figure things out fast. In case I am able to switch seamlessly, I will let everyone know on Facebook and Instagram where my new blog will be hosted on.

In case I can’t figure it out fast enough, I would like to send a very warm and heartfelt thank you to all of you who stuck by me. All of you who always commented, who responded to my silly questions and polls, to those who never commented but were always loyal readers, who let me know that I wasn’t alone and for all of you who are jewelry fans like me. Thank you thank you thank you!!  And please don’t worry, this isn’t goodbye, I still have my sort of defunct Facebook page, and I am very present on Instagram as well. I also still have my YouTube channel, even though I haven’t posted there in awhile either, but I am still there!! So again, this isn’t goodbye, I’ll still be around!! I love you all!


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