Review: Flow Lock from X Jewellery

For today’s post I will be reviewing the newest lock from X Jewellery called Flow. If you didn’t know already X also has a matching link called Flow, you can find the review for that here. I will also be updating my previous post about X’s different locks which you can find here.

First Impression:

My first impression based on the online images was that the lock looked rather plain compared to it’s link counterpart. I wasn’t overly excited about it, and truth be told I only purchased it because I wanted to take advantage of the September promo and I preferred this lock over the Zip Me lock (I most likely will buy that lock as well, I have no shame!)



Here are some images of the lock so one can see all sides of it:




It is an interesting lock for sure, very intricate in it’s design. The silver just “flows” 😛






Upon closer inspection I actually love this lock, it comes across as dainty, yet the composition is the same as the regular silver or bronze locks so you know it’s going to be sturdy enough to handle a full metal bracelet. I was looking closely at the lock comparing it to the link and I see some differences between the two: the link is thicker, the two tendrils that meet at the center kind of face opposite of each other, while on the lock they are facing each other, at least that is how I see it.



I do wish that this lock wasn’t so dainty, don’t get me wrong, it is very well made. The latch at the back used to open the lock is ever so slightly smaller than the regular locks so to me it’s like it blends in which is nice, and unlike all the other locks, the Flow lock seems to have a tighter seal. What I mean by that is the gap between the opening lever and the top part of the lock is much smaller making it more seamless. It’s a very small difference but I catch these details and it’s the reason I make these reviews.


Please forgive the extreme close up, I’m just trying to illustrate my point that the lever is just a hair smaller than the regular clasp, here you can see in the insert, the lever of the regular silver lock.



Again, with this close up you can see that the plain silver lock has a slight gap where the lever meets the top part of the lock, this gap is much smaller on the Flow lock.


The base of the lock can also be misleading. It is the same as the silver and bronze locks but because it has a tendril coming out of the side of it, it could make someone think the base is thicker than what it really is. You can also see that the Flow lock is a tad shorter than the regular lock, I would say by a a millimeter or two.



In conclusion:

I do like this lock a lot, I don’t usually have favorites because most of X’s locks are strictly functional, I like the Heart Within lock too, but more because it was a sturdy base, other than that you can barely tell it has a heart shape inside the lock itself.  This is fast becoming my favorite though I wish it had the same sturdy base as the Heart Within, if I ever do get the Zip Me lock, I will be more than happy to review that one as well and then update my previous post too. The Flow lock is sterling silver of course and retails for $69.

Hopefully this review has helped someone out when making their next X purchase, I hope I have been able to go over all the little nuances of this lock and in doing so, helped out with a decision on whether this will be your next lock. Until next time Happy Hunting!


All images with my watermark belong to me, all other images belong to their respective owners such as X Jewellery.




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