FYI: Second Annual Anniversary Giveaway Announcement!

Hello and Happy New Year to you all! I hope you all had fun and safe holidays, and now with the new year in full gear, what New Year resolutions have you made? I haven’t really made any LOL, I always fail to achieve my goals, but one resolution I think I can keep is to be more on top of blogging and posting on my Instagram account!

And speaking of blogging, I have decided to once again to hold what is now becoming a tradition with my second annual giveaway in order to commemorate the beginning of this blog! I will be posting a poll at the bottom of this post in order to get some feedback from my readers and that way figure out what kind of prize to give away! This poll will be active until Sunday January 8th 2017 until 5pm PST. I will be posting the rules and the how to’s in another post, for now please take the poll and let me know what you think!

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What giveaway prize would you like to see?
What giveaway prize would you like to see?
What giveaway prize would you like to see?





  1. Tracy says:

    Congrats on coming up on your second anniversary! I’m still working through my resolutions for this year – usually I’m done them before the end of the year, but it seems to have slipped by me this year!

    • It’s been way way too busy for me as well! THanks! I feel like I’ve been stalling a bit and it feels harder to get content, I think that’s another reason why I’ve been posting so many videos lately, I enjoy the retail therapy and the editing process!

  2. Zhanna Koroleva says:

    Nooo, no resolutions.. i gave up lol 😉 Congrats on your blog anniversary! Two years ago i suddenly discovered what “Pandora” sign at the mall actually means… XD And this name changed the tan lines on my left wrist forever!

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